Monday, November 2, 2015

Do You Need A Memory Upgrade?

top10_shop_computer_memoryDo you need a memory upgrade? Sometimes it is not easy to determine that your computer needs more memory. We have identified some of the telling signs that your computer will benefit from a memory upgrade.

-Your computer performs poorly in the everyday tasks such as poor response in opening a program
-You may get a message from your computer that indicates it needs more memory
-Difficulty in loading a page
-You see a blank screen instead of the data you were expecting
-Your computer refuses to perform any function

These are the most common indicators that answer the question “Do you need a memory upgrade?” You can also bring your computer to us and we will evaluate how much memory you have available. Our staff of expert technicians can advise you on how much more memory you will need to enable your computer to reach the performance you are seeking.

Memory is called RAM in the computer world, so let’s discuss how much RAM you really need. RAM is one of the most critical and crucial functions of your computer’s hardware. We will assess the type of system-intensive software that you are using. If you use video editing software or the modern video games, then you will need more RAM. Photoshop or virtual devices like VirtualBox or VMware will use all of the RAM you have available. Having a lot of memory will also enable you to switch quickly between different applications. More memory will also help you to operate more programs at one time.

Multi-tasking will require more memory. For example, if you have several windows open, using a significant amount of MB each, then an upgrade will help. So, if you are running several applications at the same time, a RAM upgrade will be very helpful.

Our technicians will discuss the applications you want to run and how many windows you usually have open at one time, or want to have open. We will also check your motherboard because it is the primary limiting factor in determining the amount of RAM that we can install. The processor does limit the amount of RAM because the motherboard will not support more RAM than the processor is capable of supporting. We can make this analysis and advise you on your options.

The Computer Guys of Orange County are your experts in answering the question “Do you need a memory upgrade”? The expert staff of technicians will also advise you on whether your computer can handle a memory upgrade.

from Computerguys of OC » Computerguys of OC

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